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The generateInterpolatedColors function generates interpolated colors between two given colors.


generateInterpolatedColors(color1: string, color2: string, steps: number, asString?: true): Array<string>;
generateInterpolatedColors(color1: string, color2: string, steps: number, asString?: false): Array<Object>;
generateInterpolatedColors(color1: string, color2: string, steps: number, asString: boolean = true): Array<string | Object>;


  • color1 (string): The starting color in any supported format.
  • color2 (string): The ending color in same format as color1.
  • steps (number): The number of steps (including start and end colors).
  • asString (boolean, optional): Whether to return the result as a string (default is true).


  • Array(string): The interpolated colors as an array of strings if asString is true.
  • Array(Object): The interpolated colors as an array of objects if asString is false.


  • Error: Throws an error if the input color formats do not match or are unsupported.


import { generateInterpolatedColors } from 'colore-js';

const color1 = '#ff0000';
const color2 = '#00ff00';
const steps = 5;

// Example usage as strings
const interpolatedColorsStrings = generateInterpolatedColors(color1, color2, steps);

// Example usage as objects
const interpolatedColorsObjects = generateInterpolatedColors(color1, color2, steps, false);


The generateInterpolatedColors function is useful for generating a gradient or a series of colors transitioning from one color to another. This can be beneficial in various design and visualization applications.