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The ColorFormats object provides a list of standardized color formats that can be used in various color manipulation and conversion functions.


  • CMYK: 'cmyk' - Represents the CMYK color format.
  • HEX: 'hex' - Represents the HEX color format.
  • HEX_ALPHA: 'hex-alpha' - Represents the HEX color format with alpha transparency.
  • HSL: 'hsl' - Represents the HSL color format.
  • HSLA: 'hsla' - Represents the HSLA color format with alpha transparency.
  • HSV: 'hsv' - Represents the HSV color format.
  • HSVA: 'hsva' - Represents the HSVA color format with alpha transparency.
  • LAB: 'lab' - Represents the LAB color format.
  • LCH: 'lch' - Represents the LCH color format.
  • RGBA: 'rgba' - Represents the RGBA color format with alpha transparency.
  • RGB: 'rgb' - Represents the RGB color format.
  • XYZ: 'xyz' - Represents the XYZ color format.
  • NAMED: 'named' - Represents named color formats (e.g., 'red', 'blue').
  • UNKNOWN: 'unknown' - Represents an unknown and unsupported color format.


import {ColorFormats, ColorFormat, detectColorFormat} from 'colore-js';

const format: ColorFormat = detectColorFormat('rgb(255, 255, 255)');

if (format === ColorFormats.RGB) {
console.log(`Color format is ${format}`); // Color format is rgb


The ColorFormats object can be used to standardize and validate color format strings in various color manipulation functions.