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The hexAlphaToHsla function is used to convert a HEX color with alpha to HSLA. This function supports both shorthand (#RGBA) and standard (#RRGGBBAA) HEX formats.


hexAlphaToHsla(hex: string, asString?: true): string;
hexAlphaToHsla(hex: string, asString?: false): { h: number; s: number; l: number; a: number };
hexAlphaToHsla(hex: string, asString: boolean = true): string | { h: number; s: number; l: number; a: number };


  • hex (string): The HEX color string with alpha (e.g., #RRGGBBAA or #RGBA).
  • asString (boolean, optional): Whether to return the result as a string. Defaults to true.


  • string | object: The HSLA color components.
    • If asString is true: The HSLA color as a string.
    • If asString is false: An object containing the HSLA color components.
      • h (number): The hue component.
      • s (number): The saturation component.
      • l (number): The lightness component.
      • a (number): The alpha component.


import { hexAlphaToHsla } from 'colore-js';

// Example with HEX color and alpha
const hslaColor = hexAlphaToHsla('#ff5733cc');
// Output: "hsla(14, 100%, 60%, 0.8)"

// Example with HEX color and alpha, returning as object
const hslaObject = hexAlphaToHsla('#ff5733cc', false);
// Output: { h: 14, s: 100, l: 60, a: 0.8 }


The hexAlphaToHsla function is commonly used in web development to convert HEX colors with alpha transparency to HSLA format, which can be useful for CSS styling and other applications that require color manipulation.