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The hexAlphaToHsva function is used to convert a HEX color with alpha to HSVA. This function supports HEX color strings with alpha in both shorthand (#RGBA) and standard (#RRGGBBAA) formats.


hexAlphaToHsva(hex: string, asString?: true): string;
hexAlphaToHsva(hex: string, asString?: false): { h: number; s: number; v: number; a: number };


  • hex (string): The HEX color string with alpha (e.g., #RRGGBBAA or #RGBA).
  • asString (boolean, optional): Whether to return the result as a string. Defaults to true.


  • string: The HSVA color as a string (if asString is true).
  • object: An object containing HSVA values (if asString is false).
    • h (number): The hue component.
    • s (number): The saturation component.
    • v (number): The value component.
    • a (number): The alpha component.


import { hexAlphaToHsva } from 'colore-js';

const hsvaString = hexAlphaToHsva('#ff5733cc');
// Output: "hsva(11, 0.8, 1, 0.8)"

const hsvaObject = hexAlphaToHsva('#ff5733cc', false);
// Output: { h: 11, s: 0.8, v: 1, a: 0.8 }


The hexAlphaToHsva function is useful for converting colors in HEX format with alpha to the HSVA format, which is often used in color manipulation and processing tasks.